HaDerekh Youth

HaDerekh Youth is a division of Devar Emet whose focus is youth programming. The programs' purpose to outreach to teens in the Jewish community as well as to provide spiritual mentoring for Messianic Jewish youth, in order to grow faith in Yeshua as Messiah and encourage Jewish identity. Currently, HaDerekh Youth sponsors three annual programs — the Summer Aliyah, Winter Aliyah, and Israel Aliyah.

The Hebrew term “Aliyah” means to go up. In the Scriptures we often see individuals take time to go up to meet G-d for periods of rest, instruction, and preparation. In the same way, we intend our Aliyot ("Aliyah" plural) to be times of spiritual renewal and preparation for Messianic Jewish teens so that, when they do return to their congregations and communities, they are more prepared to live out their faith in Messiah Yeshua with passion and effectiveness.

The word HaDerekh, “The Way”, comes from John 14:6, where  Messiah Yeshua declares himself to be the only right path to a right relationship to G-d. We believe this to be Truth, and offer our programs as a means to encourage this belief! 

Seeing Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives - HYIA 2019 Team

Seeing Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives - HYIA 2019 Team

Israel Aliyah

The HaDerekh Youth Israel Aliyah is an exciting program for Diaspora Messianic-Jewish high school and college-aged young people to grow in their faith and Jewish identity while in the Land of Israel. We do this by connecting them with their G-d given right to the Land of Israel and enhancing their connection with the greater Israeli Jewish Community, developing Ahavat Yisrael (love of Israel). 


Camp HaDerekh

Camp HaDerekh is a one-week summer camp for Messianic Jewish teens to go up from their communities and come into fellowship with other Messianic  Jewish believers; together we will grow in our relationship with G-d, be challenged in our Jewish identity and have amazing adventures in the wilderness of Michigan at Camp Selah. This camping experience will be complete with a forest, a mess hall, a lake, Scripture studies, both traditional Jewish worship and singing, and NO CELL PHONES - start preparing now!

Camp Picture 2018.JPG
Human Knot.JPG

Winter Aliyah

Aliyah is a Hebrew term meaning "to go up," such as Moshe went up to Mt. Sinai to meet with G-d.  Our HaDerekh Youth Winter Aliyah is just that - an opportunity for Messianic Jewish teens come down from their communities and  go up to Lake Geneva, WI for a weekend of spiritual development and Messianic Jewish identity formation (as well as a ton of fun!).